Friday, April 11, 2008

Another thing I was wrong about

Texans are polite; they give you the benefit of the doubt. They get your coat and bag from the overhead compartment; they tell you the names of birds, like the white-winged dove, who says “Too wet to plow,” which means it’s a liar, at least most of the time, in dry-as-dust San Jose Mission, with the acequia a rusty trickle and the pockmarked millstone dead still.

Texans are hospitable; they steer you away from the vegetables and towards the rib-eye. Some Texans have a weight problem. Did you know that they also pull over and let you pass if you’re in a hurry? Most people would rather speed up and stay in front, even if they’ve got no place to go.

Texans don’t like littering. They have a slogan: Don’t mess with Texas. When I first heard it, I thought it meant don’t let the queers or the Jews or the uppity women in here, but it really means don’t throw your trash out the car window.


Brenda Morisse said...

Hi Laura, I think that I'm a Texan. Maybe i was kidnapped and left in the Bronx where my mother found me. That must be it. I never throw garbage out the window, and I'm so polite that sometimes my face freezes with kindness. I'm against spreading discouraging words and I love to watch the antelope play. Or is that another state?

Laura said...

Hi Brenda,

It looks like you're either a Texan or a Kansan (um, is that a word?)

Drat! Now that song's stuck in my head. Help!
