Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I finished The Mercy Seat

and I compulsively make my list of favorites:
(In no particular order)

1. Monologue of Two Moons, Nudes with Crest: 1938
2. Anima Poeta: A Christmas Entry for the Suicide, Mayakovsky
3. Of Politics, & Art
4. February, The Boy Breughel
5. November 23, 1989
6. A Grandfather's Last Letter
7. Aubade of the Singer and Saboteur, Marie Triste
8. Comes Winter, the Sea Hunting
9. Thomas hardy
10. The Pennacesse Leper Colony for Women, Cape Cod: 1922
11. Coleridge Crossing the Plain of Jars
12. The Circus Ringmaster's Apology to god
13. Penelope
14. Hummingbirds
15. The Everlastings
16. An Old Woman's Vision
17. Several Measures for the Little Lost (I love this title)
18. Pictures at an Exhibition
19. To A Young Woman Dying at Weir
20. The Elegy for Integral Domains
21. Arkhangel'sk
22. Danse macabre
23. New England, Springtime
24. Chemin de Fer
25. New England, Autumn
26. Thomas Merton & the Water Marsh
27. Revelation 20:11-15
28. A Depth of Field
29. The Photographer's Annual
30. The Clouds of Magellan (Aphorisms of Mr. Canon Aspirin)

From this list, I was hoping to pick a FAVORITE favorite to memorize, but I'm hopeless at narrowing it down. I think perhaps Penelope lends itself best to memorization, but what I really want to do is memorize the first stanza of Anima Poeta, the final stanza of Thomas Merton, a bunch of sections from the prose poem The Clouds of Magellan--and so on.

Wow, what a brilliant collection. I have learned so much from this.

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