Saturday, February 23, 2008

"How about Barbizon, I said.

How about a tall, yellow
butterscotch coop
at the Balmoral Hotel
in Edinburgh? Now
that's something you could
dive into and come up
with a mouthful of feathers
all aflutter. No, she said, Ashes
of Roses, you know
the clinking of a tea set
on a Mexican veranda?"

Richard Garcia, Ashes of Roses

You can read the whole poem here.
(Art by Dan Amell).


L.P. Jones said...


I don't want to say much, just admire this Laura. Modern poetry at its best. Thank you.

Layers of lessons here.


Laura said...

Thanks for stopping by, e. I'm currently reading Richard Garcia's The Persistence of Objects, and finding gem after gem.